
 Traitements et standardisation des corpus multimodaux et web 2.0.

A study day dedicated toThierry Chanier


Date: 25 May 2017

Venue: Grands Moulins, Université Paris Diderot Paris 7

 Coordination: Céline Poudat, Loïc Liégeois, Ciara Wigham.


Given the important contributions Thierry Chanier made to the academic community interested in corpora and to the Written Corpus consortium in particular, we wish to pay tribute to him by organizing a special event to be held in Paris Diderot. The study day will focus on complex corpora in the fields of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) which were central to Thierry’s work.


A call for contributions to a special issue of the journal Corpus will be circulated after the study day. The special issue will focus on building, standardising and exploring corpus complex and contributions in the fields of CALL and CMC are encouraged. Both presenters and participants are invited to submit an article to the special issue.




 9h30-10h Registration desk open
 10h-10h30  Introduction
 10h30-11h30  Christophe Reffay: De Simuligne à MULCE : avancées et obstacles pour le partage
 11h30-12h30  Françoise Blin: Vers une approche écologique et éthique de la création et du partage d'un corpus d'interactions pédagogiques multimodales: l'exemple du projet ISMAEL
 12h30-13h  Eva Lacroix: Corpus complexes et Apprentissage des Langues Médié par les Technologies (ALMT) – quoi, pourquoi, comment ?
 13h-14h30  Poster session + Lunch
 14h30-15h30  Michael Beisswenger: Building corpora of computer-mediated communication: a rewarding task?
 15h30-16h  Julien Longhi: Explorer des corpus de tweets: du traitement informatique à l'analyse discursive complexe
 16h-16h30 Break
 16h30-17h  Céline Poudat & Ciara R. Wigham: Retour sur le projet CoMeRe: réalisations, impact et retombées
 17h-17h30  Christophe Parisse: Données ouvertes pour publication (Titre provisoire)
18h  Cocktail




Please enroll (free) at the following link before Tuesday May 1st using the link on the left-hand side menu of this page.

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